Tuesday 31 December 2013


I'm still here. I haven't forgotten I started this blog. However, I have fallen off the wagon when it comes to decluttering and cleaning and so on. I've done the basic stuff like washing and tidying but nothing worth recording for posterity. Christmas got in the way, but now it's over....

2014 is going to be the year of the DeJunk. I've come a long way already (not that you can really tell by just looking at it, but I know how many bags have left this house in the last year or so and it's A LOT). I've actually got some places in my house that aren't complete nightmares any more. I feel like, with one big, last push, I could have this place sorted out completely by this time next year.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel, people. Watch this space...


  1. Well,all you can do is your best, but stick at it I guess. A little every day,nowf or me to follow my own advice...!

    1. Definitely a little every day, or for me, a little more every weekend. I can't let it just sit there any more, looking at me and reminding me how much I still have to do around here! Baby steps!
